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EVA Plantilla


EVA 2022

In accordance with the production cycle and the sowing and harvest calendars, the EVA 2022 operation consists of collecting information at two times of the year. The first one corresponds to the first semester taking into account the areas planted with the main transitional crops; while the second one is related to the planting decision and the evaluation of the agricultural variables of planted areas, harvests, production and semiannual yield of transitory and permanent crops. Likewise, information from associations, unions and administrative records associated with the operation variables is managed. As for the livestock module, it is carried out in the second semester and starting this year, information regarding the areas cultivated and occupied with forage (cutting pastures, crops) and silvopastoral systems is investigated with the municipalities, which complement the inventory records of livestock species and the slaughter of cattle and pigs, supplied by the ICA and the respective parafiscal funds.

Methodological, thematic and operational guidelines for municipal agricultural evaluations 2022


Fisrt semester

Second semester

Study universe​

1.050 municipalities in the country that plant transitional crops in the first semester.

1.099 municipalities.

Observation ​


Thematic coverage​

Transitional crops planted in the first half of 2022. ​

I) Transitional crops planted in the two semesters of 2022.
II) Permanent crops grown in 2022.
III) Areas cultivated in forage, cutting grasses and silvopastoral.

Person providing the data​

Responsible for planning and monitoring the agricultural sector in the sample municipalities.

Responsible for planning and monitoring the agricultural sector in the sample municipalities.​

Collection method

Local records of information from municipal efforts and reports from associations, technical assistants and producers.

Indicators to measure

Area planted with transitional crops in the reference period. Harvested area, production and yield in the reference period of transitional crops.

I) Area planted with transitional crops in the reference period.
II) Harvested area, production and yield in the reference period of transitional crops.
III) Area cultivated, harvested, production and yield of permanent crops.
IV) Areas occupied in forage, management pastures and silvopastoral areas.

Reference period​

Semester A, year 2022.

Semesters A and B of the year 2022.​

Collection period​

June and July 2022.

September to December 2022.

Capture instrument​

WEB application developed by UPRA​

Sample of municipalities

220 municipalities (21%), which covers 65% of the area planted in reference crops.

Does not apply.

Sample of returns

6 crops (bulb onion, branch onion, beans, potato, tomato and cassava). 198 municipalities.

14 crops (avocado, peas, cocoa, bulb onion, branch onion, beans, lemon, tangerine, mango, orange, potato, tomato, pineapple and cassava).
354 municipalities.

Information resulting from data reported at a municipal level, corresponding to planted areas, harvests, production and semi-annual yield of transitory crops and permanent crops.

Analysis of EVA results for the first half of 2022

Results of the 2022 Agricultural Evaluations

Base Agrícola 2022

Information resulting from data reported at a municipal level, corresponding to livestock inventories and slaughter of cattle and pigs.

Livestock Base 2022

Information on sowing and harvesting calendars, consolidated from inquiring into information by crop at a municipal level.

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