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About the UPRA

¿Who are we?

The Agricultural Rural Planning Unit is a technical entity attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

We work in the agricultural sector to plan and implement a model of agricultural territorial planning, which uses as main elements the management and analysis of information, guidelines and instruments for productive planning, the social planning of property and information systems, applicable in the national and territorial level through the orientation of public policies.​

Guide the public policy of planning the management of territories for agriculture and livestock farming uses that contribute to productivity and competitiveness, legal security of land tenure and efficient use of rural lands.
By 2026, UPRA will influence the development and territorial planning for sustainable food production, based on the productive and social ordering of rural property and the governance of sectoral information.
  • Objective 1. Strengthen the Planning of the Rural Agricultural Territory for the Productive and Social Management of Rural Property aimed at the human right to food.
  • Objective 2. Improve the Management of Territorial Planning Instruments for Agricultural Development and Management.
  • Objective 3.Increase the capacity for management and governance of agricultural information for the productive and social management of Rural Property.
  • Objective 4. Guide communications to serve the people, territories, and institutional frameworks.
  • Objective 5. Strengthen institutional performance, management systems, and human talent to meet needs as support for the Planning of the Rural Agricultural Territory.
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​Decree 4145 of November 3, 2011, Article 5   

  1. Plan an efficient use of land, define criteria and create necessary instruments, taking into account risk scenarios, in order to achieve greater competitiveness of agricultural production in internal and external markets.  
  2. Plan land adaptation processes for agricultural purposes, define criteria and create necessary instruments.  
  3. Define criteria and design instruments for the management of rural land suitable for agricultural development and definition of policies that territorial entities take into account in Territorial Land-use Plans. 
  4. Social planning of rural land ownership, define criteria and create necessary instruments.  
  5. Plan legalization processes as part of social planning of rural land ownership. 
  6. Project the behavior of the rural land market and guide its regulation in order to create efficient and equitable access to land.  
  7. Manage an information system compatible with policies of the Colombian Spatial Data Infrastructure and the interrelation of Cadastre and Registry, and with other competent entities, so as to guarantee efficient access for institutional users and other interested parties, and respect for the Statutory Law of Protection of Personal Data. 
  8. Characterize and specify the phenomena of concentration, uneconomic division and informality in the ownership and tenure of rural properties. Create instruments to promote its optimal productive and sustainable use.  
  9. Publish and disclose technical information produced, especially that related to planning rural use, adaptation of land and rural land markets.  
  10. All other functions indicated by law or assigned which, by their nature, correspond to it.  
Paragraph 1. Social Property Planning includes agrarian processes and access to land by population groups. Agrarian processes and other administrative actions required for the implementation of regulation policies, access and administration of rural lands will be carried out by the Colombian Institute of Rural Development (INCODER according to its acronym in Spanish), within the framework of its constitutional and legal competences.  

Paragraph 2.  To carry out its functions, UPRA will use its own information and information required from other entities, which will make it available as soon as possible. For this purpose, UPRA will create information management protocols with the competent entities, especially with the Agustín Codazzi Geographical Institute; the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies, and the Superintendency of Notaries and Registration. These protocols must respect the Statutory Law for the Protection of Personal Data.   

Resolution 299, 2019  

Article 1.  Delegate to the General Director of the National Rural Land Planning, Land Adaptation and Agricultural Uses Unit (UPRA according to its acronym in Spanish):  

  1. The function of managing the construction of the National Unified Rural and Agricultural Information System to improve capture, quality, frequency and opportunity of information for decision-making, expressly mentioned in objective 7 of the Pact for Entrepreneurship, Formalization and Productivity, (Line E. “Campo con Progreso”) of the document Bases of the National Development Plan 2019-2022.   
  2. The function of guiding, coordinating and monitoring in the terms of Decree 4145, 2011 - article 11, activities related to administrative functions of Agronet regarding analysis, design and implementation of the Agricultural Risk Management Information System (Sigra according to its acronym in Spanish) and carrying out agricultural evaluations.  
  3. Functions of numeral 19 of article 3 and numeral 19 of article 6 of Decree 1985, 2013 to coordinate with the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE according to its acronym in Spanish) and other entities the production of sector information and carry out analysis for decision-making in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.  
  4. The function of numeral 7 in article 7 of Decree 1985, 2013 in terms of analyzing and interpreting information and statistics that information systems of the agricultural sector provide, in accordance with guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and with information provided by their directorates in the exercise of functions contained in articles 13, numeral 10; 14, numeral 6; 15, 10; 17, numeral 7; 18, numeral 7, and 20, numeral 17 of Decree 1985 of 2013.   
  5. The function in numeral 17 of article 11 of Decree 1985, 2013 to support the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE according to its acronym in Spanish) in the definition of policies, principles, guidelines and implementation of standards and good practices that govern statistical information, to achieve high levels of efficiency in the production of statistical information of the sector.  
  6. The function of numeral 10 of article 18 of Decree 1985, 2013 to manage access and use of agricultural, hydrometeorological and agroclimatic statistics for better risk management in coordination with the Directorate of Agricultural Financing and Risks of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, or the dependency that takes its place, competent area to carry out the design, evaluation and monitoring of policies, plans, programs and projects in matters of financing and agricultural risks. 
  7. The function of numeral 8 of article 20 of Decree 1985, 2013 in terms of standardization and disclosure of agricultural, hydrometeorological and agroclimatic statistics, validating information for the preparation of risk maps and disclosure of agricultural information in general, for a better risk management.  
Article 2.  Delegate to the head of the Information and Communication Technologies Office of the National Rural Land Planning, Land Adaptation and Agricultural Uses Unit (UPRA according to its acronym in Spanish) pursuant article 12 of Decree 4145, 2011:  

  1. The function of numeral 6 of article 7 of Decree 1985, 2013 in terms of carrying out agricultural evaluations in coordination with the competent entities.  
  2. The function of launching from a technological component, the Agricultural Risk Management Information System (Sigra according to its acronym in Spanish) of objective 5 of the Pact for Entrepreneurship, Formalization and Productivity, (Line E. “Campo con progreso”) of the document Bases of the National Development Plan 2019-2022.  
  3. The function of maintaining Agronet as a sectorial digital platform that interoperates with different sources of information based on infrastructure of spatial data, statistical information, agricultural marketing, emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as inputs for the digital transformation of the sector, in order to improve the design and orientation of policy interventions, objective 7 of the Pact for Entrepreneurship, Formalization and Productivity, (Line E. “Campo con progreso”) of the document Bases of the National Development Plan 2019-2022.   A
Article 3.  Delegate to the General Director of the National Rural Land Planning, Land Adaptation and Agricultural Uses Unit (UPRA according to its acronym in Spanish) pursuant article 14 of Decree 4145, 2011:   

  1. The function of supporting the performance of agricultural evaluations in coordination with the competent entities.  
  2. The function of directing thematic implementation of the Agricultural Risk Management Information System (Sigra according to its acronym in Spanish) based on an agricultural risk management policy drawn up by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in coordination with the Directorate of Financing and Agricultural Risks of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development  
  3. The function of supporting maintenance of Agronet.


Decree 4145 of 2011

Decree 484 of 2019



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