The Rural Agricultural Planning Unit (UPRA), through a delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development through
Resolution 299 of 2019 , guides actions for the management of information in the agricultural sector and specifically, it is tasked with carrying out the Municipal Agricultural Assessments (EVA), in coordination with competent entities of a territorial and national order.
The main or basic module corresponds to agricultural information of municipalities from the offices responsible for agricultural planning and technical assistance, as well as from sector entities that create information from statistical processes or through administrative records. Variables considered in the research are associated with agricultural production. In the agricultural case, planted area, harvested area, production, yield, added to sowing and harvest schedules, are taken into account. In the livestock case, the inventory of the main species, slaughter and production.
Reference information from sectoral entities (unions, public and / or private institutions), local and national, is processed through the use of calculation models to disaggregate data and integrate them into municipal information. Likewise, various indicators are used that depend on the agricultural activity to be disaggregated and that are defined, for example, in geographic systems, in updated censuses or in available list frames.
Regarding rotating modules that address specific topics, the implementation frequency varies depending on the priorities of the agricultural system and the demand for data. Initially, an exercise associated with the structuring of production costs is designed, with application to agricultural production systems, which provides basic conceptual and operational guidelines, and seeks to reflect a trend behavior of the variables and coefficients that make them up. Additionally, an indicator is formulated that seeks to measure the average variation of monthly prices of a set of fertilizers and pesticides used in agricultural activity. The objectives of this indicator consist of synthesizing the behavior of a very heterogeneous set of prices in a single value, facilitating the reading of the behavior of a phenomenon over time or between different regions, measuring the impact of an externality on the prices of the set analyzed and support the adoption of policies very quickly.
On the other hand, EVA´s structure a classification and coding scheme that allows the integration of historical series with other sources of information. Likewise, throughout the process they are linked to the departmental agriculture secretariats, since it is considered that they develop a strategic role for the EVA as sources of reference information at a regional level, support in the articulation with municipalities, as well as in the analysis of information recorded by them.
All of the above is paired with a cross-sectional quality component, which allows to verify consistency of the information, its integration with historical series, and make improvements by the data producers.