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Agricultural Statistics Table


The Agricultural Statistics Table is a space of articulation between producers and users of statistical information from the agricultural sector and rural development, to work on strengthening priority information for the sector.

The Agricultural Statistics Table is leaded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR according to its acronym in Spanish), the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE according to its acronym in Spanish), as coordinator and creator of norms and standards for the National Statistical System (SEN according to its acronym in Spanish), and the Rural Land Planning, Land Adaptation and Agricultural Uses Unit (UPRA according to its acronym in Spanish), as the technical secretary of the table. 

The following describes the basic legal framework for the operation of the Agricultural Statistics Table: 

1. Decree 2404 of 2019: "which regulates article 155 of Law 1955, 2019 and modifies title 3, part 2, book 2 of Decree 1170, 2015: Sole Administrative Sector of Statistical Information". In Chapter 2, "Coordination of the National Statistical System", creates in its article 

​2. Decree 2409: “Establish Sectoral Statistical Committees as instances of general transversal coordination of the SEN. These committees will be in charge of identifying, integrating and discussing needs for statistical information and defining action plans required to manage these needs”. 

3. Article of Decree 2409 of 2019: “Sectoral Statistical Committees will act through the creation of sectoral statistics tables convened by DANE. The main objective of these tables is the articulation of actions that SEN members must implement in order to fulfill their obligations. For the development of this objective, sectoral statistics tables will formulate and monitor action plans defined in sectoral Committees [...]”. 

4. Resolution DANE 1372 of 2020: "By which the operation of Sectoral Statistical Committees and Sectoral Statistical Tables is regulated." 

Article 2. Scope. "Sectoral Statistical Committees will give guidelines and instructions on management and production of official statistics of the country, in accordance with topics of the National Statistical Plan (PEN)." 

Article 8. “Sectoral Statistical Tables will be formed in accordance with each one of the Sectoral Statistical Committees, where the Agricultural Statistics Table (transversal to territorial planning) is within the Sectoral Statistical Committee on the subject of economics. The tables will be made up of entities that produce statistical operations related to the topic of each table, and strategic users of that statistical information. DANE participates in the tables as an entity that produces statistical information, as well as a coordinating entity and creator of norms and standards for the SEN.” ​

Access here​ information from the SEN Sectoral Statistical Committees and Tables. ​


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