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Information Security Policy

Policies, Terms and Conditions

The Rural Agricultural Planning Unit (UPRA) is an entity committed to protecting private and confidential information obtained in the fulfillment of its mission.

Our policies and procedures are based on the legal framework for the protection of habeas data and personal data contained in Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decrees. Regarding personal data, only the information that has been voluntarily provided by our employees, contractors, suppliers, former employees, former contractors, users, and visitors, among others, is collected. Personal data is considered any personal information that the owner discloses to UPRA freely and voluntarily. The user can modify or update part of this information at any time, thus allowing UPRA to provide services and content according to their profile. Likewise, UPRA informs the owner of the information that it is committed to adopting a confidentiality and data protection policy, with the aim of protecting the privacy of personal information obtained through the owner of the information.

UPRA warns the data owner and commits to not sharing or revealing confidential information with third parties, except with the express authorization of said owner, when required by court or legal order, or to protect intellectual property rights or other rights. In any case, the information provided by the owner is safeguarded administratively, legally, and technologically.

UPRA uses the information collected for statistical purposes and knowledge about the user and the consultation of products and services offered through the website, such as content, publications, geographic information, presentations, as well as in events and face-to-face activities to which said user is invited. Similarly, personal data is used for sending newsletters with information of interest to the user.

The owner of the information, by providing, delivering, or sending any type of personal information to UPRA, accepts that such information will be used in accordance with this document related to the policy for the treatment of personal data. It is stated that UPRA will not use the data provided for activities or purposes other than those provided herein. In any case, if such personal information is used for other purposes, its use must be covered by one of the exceptions provided for in the legislation or have the express authorization of the owner.

Regarding the channels or means through which UPRA obtains personal information, they include, among others: i) commercial, professional, or employment relationship with the respective employee, contractor, supplier, former employee, former contractor, or visitor; ii) application to selection processes; iv) attendance at trainings, seminars, or courses; v) sending emails requesting information; vi) requirements and inquiries directed to user service.

The user can revoke the authorization for the storage of their information at any time, as well as cancel the subscription to periodic newsletters. If the user wishes to stop receiving information issued by UPRA, they should contact via email at

Finally, UPRA reserves the right to modify this document to adapt it to new legislative, jurisprudential, and technical requirements.​

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