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Unified National Rural and Agricultural Information System

The Unified National Rural and Agricultural Information System (SNUIRA) is a State strategy that seeks to organize, manage and govern sectoral information, with the purpose of optimizing its use and promoting better decision-making. It is also the digital ecosystem or a consolidated set of actors, policies, processes, technologies, services, information systems, information and data, which, strategically aligned, seek a continuous digital transformation in agricultural affairs and rural development.​

The SNUIRA will allow: 

  • ​​Know and characterize the different sources of information.
  • Achieve articulation on issues such as what data is produced, who generates it, in what way, with what standards and with what frequency.
  • Articulate existing initiatives around the production and use of agricultural information such as the Sectoral Statistical Table; the Strategic Plan for Agroindustrial Science, Technology and Innovation (Pectia), and the sector's spatial data infrastructure. 
Nuestro modelo.jpg
  • Business Architecture Document and Governance Model: defines the capability map of SNUIRA and conceptualizes the governance model identifying three levels: strategic, tactical, and operational.

  • Data Dictionary: this instrument constitutes the starting point for interoperability management with sector entities and contains 4,215 records. It describes general aspects of information exchange, as well as the characterization of attributes, data types, length, among others. Updated on August 16, 2024.

  • Catalog of Information Exchange Services: contains 142 information exchange services from the following entities: Rural Development Agency (ADR), Colombian Horticultural Association (ASOHOFRUCOL), Colombian Federation of Cattle Ranchers (FEDEGAN), Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Rural Agricultural Planning Unit (UPRA), and the Land Restitution Unit (URT). Updated on May 15, 2024.

  • Catalog of Information Systems: provides information on 126 sectorial information systems. Updated on May 10, 2024.

  • Master and Reference Data Matrix of the Sector: contains information about data considered master and reference, which constitutes a fundamental input for the development of a strategic data management model for the sector. Updated on August 26, 2024.

  • Information Components Catalog: this instrument, which contains information elements, data, flows, and information services, is another input corresponding to the information architecture of the sector and will facilitate the development of a strategic data management model. Updated on August 26, 2024.

  • Interoperability Maturity Model Self-Assessment Matrix: this model of the Interoperability Framework allows entities to conduct an internal diagnosis of progress in the implementation of domain guidelines and define actions to advance their adoption. The maturity model has five levels to establish the current state of framework adoption, as well as the state of information exchange in which each entity is.

What is it?

It is a workspace around data science in which we use information from SNUIRA to generate products and services that respond to the challenges of the sector. We also identify projects that interrelate the community of data science experts with rural development issues.

Who composes it?

All entities that are part of SNUIRA, as well as unions, research centers and other allies that want to be linked to a project.

These are our projects:

  • AI Land Market (UPRA and Datasanbox)
  • Potato AI, phase 2 and 3 (UPRA)
  • AI Crop monitoring (UPRA)
  • AI land prices (UPRA)
  • Blockchain: traceability of the price of panela
  • KKnowledge transfer​​


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