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Regulatory projects

Citizen observations on each of the specific regulation projects are received within 8 days of their publication through the email address (Res. 119 of 2017 UPRA). Remember to write your name, email and entity to which you belong when applicable.

Topic - Files Responsible Office Responsible Publication Date

Draft Resolution "By which the Areas of Protection for Food Production (APPA) are declared in the municipalities of La Jagua del Pilar, Urumita, Villanueva, El Molino, San Juan del Cesar, Distracción, Fonseca, and Barrancas located in the southern region of the department of La Guajira and other provisions are made."​

Published on June 11, 2024, for a term of five (5) calendar days, counted from the day after publication. 

Comments will be received at the email

​Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
​Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development


Topic - Files Responsible Office Responsible Publication Date

Draft Resolution "By which the term to determine the Areas of Protection for Food Production (APPA) in the South of the Department of La Guajira is extended."

Published on October 13, 2023, for a term of two (2) calendar days, counted from the day after publication. 

Comments will be received at the email

​Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
​Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Draft Resolution "By which the Productive Planning Plan for the Potato Chain in Colombia is adopted and other provisions are made."

Published on August 18, 2023, for a term of five (5) calendar days, counted from the day after publication. 

Comments will be received at the email 

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 18-08-2023

Draft Resolution "By which a Protection Zone for Food Production is declared in the province Sabana Centro of the department of Cundinamarca and other provisions are made."

Annex Shapefile 

Published on August 17, 2023, for a term of seven (7) calendar days, counted from the day after publication. Comments will be received at the email

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 17-08-2023

Draft Resolution "By which a Protection Zone for Food Production is declared in the department of La Guajira and other provisions are made."

Published on July 17, 2023, for a term of two (2) calendar days, counted from the day after publication. Comments will be received at the email

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 17-07-2023

Topic - Files Responsible Office Technical Responsible - Position Publication Date

Draft Resolution "By which the Productive Planning Plan for the Potato Chain in Colombia is adopted and other provisions are made."

Technical Justification
Document "Productive Planning Plan for the Potato Chain in Colombia."

Digital Annex 1

Digital Annex 2

Digital Annex 3

Direction of Efficient Land Use and Land Adaptation Daniel Alberto Aguilar Technical Director 07-10-2022

Draft Resolution "By which the Productive Planning Plan for the Maize Chain in Colombia is adopted and other provisions are made."
Technical Justification

Digital Annex 1

- Digital Annex 2

Digital Annex 3

Digital Annex 4

No public comments were received within the established deadline.

Direction of Efficient Land Use and Land Adaptation Daniel Alberto Aguilar Technical Director 30-06-2022

Draft Resolution "By which the guidelines for the formulation, implementation, and maintenance of Social Land Management Plans are adopted, Resolution 129 of 2017 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is repealed, and other provisions are made."
Justificatory Report
Guidelines for the formulation, implementation, and maintenance of social land management plans.

No public comments were received within the established deadline.

Direction of Land Management and Land Market Dora Inés Rey Martínez Technical Director 05-07-2022

Draft Resolution "By which the conceptual, methodological, and guidelines bases for agricultural productive reconversion are established and other provisions are made."
Technical Justification
Document "Conceptual, methodological, and guidelines bases for agricultural productive reconversion."

No public comments were received within the established deadline.

Direction of Efficient Land Use and Land Adaptation Daniel Alberto Aguilar Technical Director 05-07-2022
Topic - Files Responsible Office Technical Responsible - Position Publication Date

Draft Resolution "By which the guidelines and criteria for the granting of the Comprehensive Land Access Subsidy (SIAT) are adopted."

Technical Justification
Guidelines ​

No public comments were received within the established deadline.

Direction of Land Management and Land Market Dora Inés Rey Martínez, Director of Land Management and Land Market 30-03-2021

Draft Resolution "By which the land evaluation methodology for zoning with agricultural purposes at the national level general scale is adopted and other provisions are made."
Technical Justification
Land Evaluation Methodology ​​

No public comments were received within the established deadline.​​

Direction of Efficient Land Use and Land Adaptation Daniel Alberto Aguilar Technical Director 08-04-2021​

Draft Resolution "By which the commercial reference values of the land for the allocation of land purchase of the Comprehensive Land Access Subsidy are adopted."
Justificatory Report

​- DocumentCommercial reference values of the land – VCRT, input for the definition of the maximum amounts of the comprehensive land access subsidy – SIAT.

Matrix with proposed limits for each of the municipalities in the country.

No public comments were received within the established deadline.

Direction of Land Management and Land Market Dora Inés Rey Martínez Technical Director 23-06-2021

Document Methodology for targeting and prioritization of the social land management policy and allocation of the comprehensive land access subsidy.

No public comments were received within the established deadline.

Direction of Land Management and Land Market
Dora Inés Rey Martínez Technical Director

Draft Resolution "By which the Productive Planning Plan for the Bovine Meat Chain in Colombia is adopted and other provisions are made."
Technical Justification
Document​ Productive Planning Plan for the Bovine Meat Chain in Colombia.

Annex 1
Annex 2 ​

No public comments were received within the established deadline.

Direction of Efficient Land Use and Land Adaptation Daniel Alberto Aguilar Technical Director 24-12-2021
Draft Resolutions

1.  "By which the guidelines, criteria, and instruments for the stages of the medium and large-scale land adaptation process are approved"
2.  "By which the document 'Update of Basic Technical Standards Manual, for the implementation of land adaptation projects and other provisions are adopted"

 Justificatory Report ADTguides 13​-02-18

- Draft Resolution "By which the policy guidelines for commercial forest plantations for obtaining wood and its 2016-2038 production chain, its action plan, and other provisions are adopted" Available from March 21, 2018, to receive comments:

"Technical Justification, (Justif_Tec_Proy_Resol_Forest) for review and adjustments"

- Draft Resolution on "Land Observatory Guidelines Proposal":

The publication will be available from May 28, 2018, to receive comments, suggestions, and proposals.

- Draft Resolution:

The publication will be available from June 28, 2018, to receive comments, suggestions, and proposals 

Content Tab Calendars

- Draft Resolution regulating the deadlines for the publication of specific regulatory projects. You are invited to download and review the documents: "Draft resolution document" and "Justificatory report resolution". This consultation will be available from June 30 to July 5, 2017, to receive comments, suggestions, and proposals.

- Adoption and update project of its publication scheme of UPRA. This consultation will be available from August 28 to September 1, 2017, to receive your comments and opinions on the attached document.

- Draft Resolution defining the "National Agricultural Frontier" UPRA invites entities, citizens, and interest groups to download and review the documents: "Draft resolution document" and "Justificatory report resolution" from August 31 to September 4, 2017, to receive comments, suggestions, and proposals. 


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