EVA Year
EVA 2021 – First Semester
Thematic Coverage
- Areas sown every six months of the main transitory crops.
Study Sample
For the first semester of the year, it corresponds to 216 most representative municipalities of the country, for 64 transitory crops
Reference Period
First semester of year 2021
People that provide data
Responsible for planning and monitoring the agricultural sector in each municipality of the country
Producer associations of the most representative crops
Information Collection Period
July, 2021
EVA 2021 – Second Semester
Thematic Coverage
- Areas sown, harvests, production and semi-annual yield of transitory crops
- Areas sown, crops, production and annual yield of permanent crops
Livestock inventories
Slaughter of cattle and pigs
Study Universe
All the municipalities of the country
Reference Period
Both semesters of year 2021
People that provide data
Responsible for planning and monitoring the agricultural sector in each municipality of the country
Producer associations of the most representative crops
Information Collection Period
October to December, 2021
Information on sowing and harvesting calendars, consolidated from inquiring into information by crop at a municipal level.
Consolidated EVA 2021 calendars